What to Know Before Taking a Bengalese Home?

The Bengalese finch is also known as Society finch, and in its usual form it very much resembles the Sharp-tailed Munias. They have an upper and a lower mandible; the upper one is usually black, while the lower one has a brighter color. The back and the tail of the bird have a chocolate brown color with some highlights.

While the face is also chocolate brown, the chest has highlights and in many cases it might appear to be white. The color of the belly is a mixture of white, chocolate brown and black. Although both of the genders look the same, only the male birds are able to sing.

Bengalese finchThe Bengalese are relatively small birds, of about 4-5 inches, but some of the German and European breeds might be a bit larger.

The interesting thing about these birds is that they are strictly domesticated and cannot be found in the wild. It is said that they have been bred from Mannikins.

First they have been created in China, and about 260 years ago the breed has been introduced to Japan.

Later they arrived to Europe as well and in our days the birds might be found all over the world.

There are numerous variations and subspecies of the breed of different colors and patterns.

Just as any other kind of bird species, this one also has a special diet. A healthy diet must include a mixture of millets, canary grass seeds and also cereal seeds.

In every moment of the day the birds will need fresh water, grit and cuttlebone. There is no need for live food for the birds, but you might offer them on a regular basis lettuce, chickweed, spinach, spray millet, broccoli, egg food, and also carrot tops.

The birds don’t really have high expectations but they do need regular nail trimming and also bathwater.

Just as the name suggests, the Society finches are very sociable by their nature and they can get along with the majority of the bird species. Still it is important not to put them together with some species that might be aggressive towards them.

The finches are usually kept in individual breeding cages, just as the canaries. Nonetheless, they will be a lot happier in a larger cage where they have plenty of room for flying, singing and socializing.

The best temperature for these birds is of about 75 degrees and it is a good idea to avoid keeping them in cold temperatures. In case you are keeping the birds for breeding or fostering, you should keep them in individual breeding cages after they have been sexed.

You could keep several birds of the same gender in the same breeding cage. Many people keep two males in the same cage, but others prefer to have couples so that they can raise their own offspring.

As it has been mentioned before, the male finch has a beautiful song, which is pretty loud. He will puff his feathers up and will be hopping from side to side, singing. They sing both to hens and other males.


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