How To Keep Your Pet Healthy In Tough Economic Times?

Pets are big business in the United States.

Americans spend a staggering $41 billion a year on their cats, dogs, birds, lizards and any other animal you can think of, according to a 2007 report by Business Week.

But, as the economy takes a downturn — are our pets suffering in the process?

“Without a doubt, finances are a huge issue for pet owners,” Dr. Neil Shaw, chief medical officer of NYC Veterinary Specialists told.

“Because there is very little pet insurance available, pet owners are paying out of their own pocket,” Shaw said. “As a result, we’re seeing in the emergency room that pets are coming in sicker and folks are not watching and bringing in their pets early enough to treat many treatable diseases.”

Shaw said it’s extremely important to make sure a minor health problem doesn’t become a major one.

Here are six signs that you should bring your pet to the veterinarian:

1. If your pet vomits for more than a day or has the dry heaves.

2. The pet has not eaten for more than 24 to 48 hours.

3. They are unable to sleep or get comfortable for any period of time.

4. Your pet isn’t drinking.

5. There is blood in their vomit or stool.

6. Finally, if your pet is unresponsive and refuses to go outside.

Read more at Fox News


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