Some Major Aquarium Fish Diseases And Their Symptoms

If you have a pet fish, living in an aquarium, then it is highly likely for the fish to catch several types of diseases which are collectively called aquarium fish diseases.  But since like other animals, fish cannot express their illness, you must be aware of the symptoms of the diseases to be able to help your pet out. The following is a list of some of the major aquarium fish diseases along with their symptoms:

Anchor Worms

Anchor Worms


This is a common aquarium fish disease and has the following signs and symptoms:

  • Scratching against objects and items in the aquarium tank is one of the common symptoms.
  • All the points of attachments often get inflamed when anchor worms disease occurs.
  • The fish skin may show some protuberance of whitish-green thread like things.

Body Flukes

Body Flukes

Another aquarium fish disease which occurs quite commonly among pet fish is called body flukes. To identify this disease, you can read the following given list of symptoms:

  • The first and most common symptom of body flukes is the scratching against objects in the tank.
  • Other sign of identifying this disease is the covering of the gills of the fish by a layer of mucus.  In some cases, the entire body may be covered by mucus.
  • Gills moving very rapidly can be considered as another sign of this disease.
  • Reddened skin is also a symptom of body flukes
  • In some cases, the gills or the body may appear to be eaten off or chewed upon.

Gill Flukes

Gill Flukes

This is another type of an aquarium fish disease. The following is a list of some of the symptoms of this disease:

  • The first sign of gill flukes is the skin and gills getting infected.
  • Another way to identify the occurrence of this disease is spots on the eye or near the area of the eye.
  • If the gills get destroyed completely, then the fish is likely to die

Clamped Fin

Clamped Fin

Clamped fin is the name of another aquarium fish disease. The following are some of the symptoms through which you can identify this disease:

  • Restless behavior of the fish is a common way to identify this disease.
  • Another symptom is folding of the fins against the body and the fins not fanned out like they are in normal conditions.

Thus look out for the symptoms of various fish diseases so that they can be treated on time.


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