How to Stop Your Dog from Itching?

While many pets experience dry and itchy skin for various reasons, the most common two reasons are pet allergies and poor nutrition. In this post we will answer the question so many have asked, “How can I stop my dog from itching?”

dog-itchingWell the good news is that a scratching dog is typically not a hard problem to cure. As mentioned above there are two main culprits behind the skin condition.

So let’s start with the first one, dog allergies. Just as we have predictable symptoms with respect to an allergy so do animals.

The most prevalent and early symptom will be some sort of skin or fur irritation. You will begin to notice scratching around the paws, neck and belly area.

You may then begin to notice what appears to be dry and flaky skin, flaking, or perhaps dandruff. Some of these will be a direct result of the allergy; while the itching will also contribute.

So how to prevent and cure this issue? Chances are very good that by providing dog enzymes to will take care of the symptoms. The trick is to be patient as it may take a few weeks.

In the meantime you can use an anti-itch soothing spray with peppermint and amino acids to provide relief. Why enzymes (and perhaps probiotics) and what do they do? Well many, many pets’ digestive symptoms have a hard time digesting and absorbing all the nutrients in the food that we give them.

This is because their hereditary comes from wild pact animals (yes even the cute little ones!) and their systems are designed to process raw foods and food found in nature. They’re systems have troubles properly absorbing healthy nutrients in the processed foods that they eat. As a result they often develop allergies.

Enzymes act as a booster to their digestion and essentially make it easier for them to take in the nutrients in their diet. Once this occurs, within weeks the allergies will usually go away. You will also notice a happy pet as enzymes also boost the mode and demeanor.

While I indicated above that there are two issues, you now see that they are tied together and typically a result of nutrition. If, however, enzymes do not work, you should make a visit to the veterinarian as you may very well be looking at another form of allergy which will most likely need to be treated with a prescription medication. Hopefully this is not the case, an in most instances the pet enzymes will work.


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