Commonly Known Infections In Turtles

turtlesThe most common type of infections that occur in turtles is mainly caused by bacteria.

To prolong the life of your pet turtle, it’s advisable to learn the signs and symptoms of the prevalent infections.

Fortunately, they can be prevented, just make sure you seek the advice of the veteran when you suspect the signs and symptoms.

Mouth Rot

This is an infection on the lining of the turtle’s mouth. This is common in turtles that do not get adequate nutrition in their diet. Mouth rot can also appear as a result of some illness so it may be a symptom that your turtle is ill or something is wrong with the health system.

Any redness along the mouth and excessive drooling is a sign of mouth rot and you should treat it straight away when you see this. When you see pus from the mouth and a bad smell emitting from the mouth then the infection has advanced.

Not to worry, this infection can be treated if you constantly clean the turtle’s mouth and give it adequate vitamins and antibiotics that have been prescribed by the doctor.

Swollen ears

This infection is much more complicated than the name seems to suggest. If your turtle’s ears get swollen, chances are that it will have to get into surgery.

The ear canals are the parts of the ear that actually get infected and surgery is the only way out accompanied by antibiotics. If left alone, this infection may threaten the life of the  pet turtle as it may lead to respiratory problems.

Shell rot

There are a number of things that can infect the shell, from bacteria, infection, injury and growing of algae on the shell just to mention a few.

Antibiotics and vitamins are a common treatment to shell rot and they work effectively if following doctor’s orders.

Respiratory infections

This is the most common type of infection that occurs in turtles, pneumonia and respiratory disease being the most noted of the infections. If you see your turtle coughing, the eyes swelling, general weakness and gasping then this is a cause for alarm and you should get it treated as soon as possible.

Antibiotics and just your care are needed to get it back in shape.


These are common infections that occurred and reoccurred in turtles before they were domesticated. Their home prior to domestication included, swamps and sewages.

Continual exposure and re-infection caused these turtles not to fall sick. Now that they are exposed to clean air and water, infections are now prevalent.


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