Excessive Dog Barking Solved With A Collar

If you are having trouble training your dog to keep from unnecessary barking this smart new gadget will prove an ally. Hammacher Schlemmer brings to you an innovative dog collar to help you train your dog to keep from incessant barking.

dog collarThis patented collar helps you train the dog by releasing a fine mist. The spray unit is attached to the collar. A built in microphone activates a sudden burst of spray, each time the dog starts barking. Soon the smart animal will associate the spray with its barking and will soon stop this undesirable behavior.

The spray uses an unscented water based solution. The spray is ozone friendly and hypoallergenic. The spray reservoir holds enough for 25 applications. You can easily buy a refill with enough solution for 300 applications. The collar is powered by a 3 V battery that will last you a month. This effective pet gadget is all yours for $49.95 only. The refills will cost you $9.95 only. It is suitable for animals weighing above 8 lbs.


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