Essential 4 Dog Friendly Camping Gadgets

If you have a pet dog and wondering what gadgets to pack and what to leave to accommodate your dog in your next camping trip, this article will be of great help to you! Your dog is your beloved company and taking every precaution to keep him safe and secure and out of danger and inconvenience is your responsibility.

Do not pay heed to those who might think you are crazy for overthinking what your dog might need out there, because you would be on your toes and your trip can be absolutely ruined if you are not thinking straight and weighing every possible options.

It can be hard to pack for your dog, considering that you would have to carry it along with your own gears. However, it is not too much if you look at it closely. Here is a thorough list of gears that you might need for your dog on a camping trip.

1. Dog License ID Tags/Rabies Tag/Papers

dog license ID tagsRemember this is of the utmost importance because it will have your dog’s description and his history and address which will be important and useful if anything unprecedented happens. Make sure a copy of it is on your dog in some form as well.

2. Leash and Collar

leash and collarYou would not want your dog to stray away from you at any given time. Dogs may get distracted out in the open and also a little too excited which might result in them taking off. Keep your dog under a leash and hold onto it always. Retractable leashes are the best options, because they will prevent your dog from chocking and also give you a far better control.

3. 20- Foot Long Lead/ Tether

Make sure you also carry a long enough lead or tether to tie your dog around a steak or a table leg. Having it long would give your dog the freedom of covering a wider ground while tied up and also prevent it from being tangled easily.

4. Dog Carrier/Crate/Harness (for car)

dog carrierIf you travelling in your car or a campervan or even your two wheeler, do not forget to keep your dog in the dog carrier or crate. This will prevent you from getting distracted by your dog and his moods while you are driving which otherwise can be fatal.

All that said always remember to store both your food and that of your dogs in a secure airtight container, or else you may just invite outside trouble in the form of insects, birds, or other animals. Also check with your vet what medicines may come in handy for your dog while you and your loving friend are out there. Remember not to fret because once you get the hang of it you will surely enjoy it.


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