Ways to Groom and Adopted Stray Dog

There are times when you wish if you could take all the dogs’ home or at least get them a shelter. Well, it seems like adopting them is not the only thing you need to worry about rather how to take care of them. To help you groom and take proper care of your newly welcomed family member listed below are a few things to take care of before bringing them in:

Ways to Groom and Adopted Stray Dog

  • Gather the required supplies

You need to gather some supplies such as a leash, collar, bed, bowls, food, waste bags, enzymatic cleaner, etc for the new family member.

  • Dog-Proof the house

Clean up your house and remove the items which the dog can easily grab and chew. Some valuable items or hazardous items may hurt your new member.

  • House Set up for the dog

Plan everything out beforehand. Determine the place where the dog’s bed will go and where he is going to get his treats. These things are important to plan beforehand as you might not get time after bringing him home.

  • Make a schedule for him

Plan a schedule for him who would have time divisions for walks, play, training, feeding, etc.

After your new member is home, here’s a list of Do’s and don’ts you can follow on its first day at home:

  • Plan beforehand how you will bring him home. If you are taking him home in a car, then you might just have to carry a towel just in case he gets sick on the way home.
  • Prefer bringing the dog home without stopping midway. He might just get scared if you get busy running errands on the way home.
  • Do not throw a welcome party on the first day as it might just get your dog nervous due to so many new visitors.
  • After you bring your new member home let him sniff around. It’s a common habit for them and it will help him to get comfortable in the new house.
  • Make sure you stay close to him on the very first day. Don’t take him on any major excursions. You can take him for a small walk but other than that let him hang around so that you can learn his new behavior.
  • Keep your dog on a leash while giving a tour around the house as he might just get scared and try to run away.
  • Remember to take your dog to regular walks to get him familiar with the surrounding. It will help him to get more comfortable while staying in.
  • Your new member might be dirty but don’t rush to give him bath on the very first day.
  • If you have a cat already in the house then remember to keep them away as you still are not sure about how the dog will react.

Furthermore, be patient with your new member. He might take some time to get comfortable and don’t rush to train him. You can train him for things slowly. Give him a bath on the second or third day and get him checked by a vet. You need to get him vaccinated as soon as you can.


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