Home Remedies for Eye Problems in Dogs

For sure you don’t wish your pet to have any problems. However, it is quite common for the pet owners to be looking for home remedies for eye problems in dogs. This is a condition that often affects dogs, but it is good to know that you don’t necessarily have to run to the vet every time.

Home Remedies for Eye Problems in Dogs

Basic information

If you notice that there is something wrong with your dog, you might want to rush him to the vet. However, in the meantime there are some things that you could try to make the pet feel better. Make sure that you have some experience with pets before trying any of the remedies.

Saline water

One of the home remedies for dogs’ eye problems is to wash the eye with saline water. This is the first thing you should do once you notice there is something wrong. You will need half a glass of warm water and add to it half a teaspoon of salt.

When using this one of the home remedies for eye problems in dogs, you will have to splash the mixture into the eyes of the dog. Take a cotton swab and clear away any debris or discharge that you notice. It is possible that this will take care of the problem.

Chamomile tea

Another home treatment for dogs’ eye problems is to prepare some chamomile tea and let it cool. Then take a cotton ball and soak it in the tea. Gently use the cotton ball to cleanse the eye of the dog. This will soothe the irritation or inflammation.

Herbal rinses

In some cases the herbal rinses can also become home remedies for eye problems in dogs. For this you will have to prepare an eye drop for the dog made of herbs. This should be made of mixed herbal extracts such as chamomile, calendula, eyebright and red clover.

In order to use this one of the home cures for dogs’ eye problems you will need and eye drop. Use this to pour the mixture into the eyes of the dog about three times per day. It will have a calming effect and the problem won’t be that bothersome for the dog anymore.

You might have to try all the home remedies for eye problems in dogs that were mentioned before to find one that works for your dog.


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