Essential Aspects To Know Before Buying Ragdoll Kitten!

Ragdoll KittenThe birth of ragdoll was ‘man made’. Anna Baker found this species with the cross breeding of several different cat species [Selecting the best cat breed].

The ragdoll kittens are found in different colors and patterns, but traditionally ragdoll kittens are seen in seal, rich brown, light coco color and blue.

The patterns are different: color points near mask, eyes, ears, feet and tail make these kittens different.

The ragdoll kittens are loved as pets for several reasons such as:

  • They are lovely companions to the humans and always attract the attention of the master as it also likes the human’s companion.
  • These are extremely docile and possesses a genial good nature which is irresistible to hug.
  • Exceptionally well mannered, gentle and have a well-balanced temperament.
  • They are independent and do not need much care of the master [Tips for cat care].
  • These are long haired cats and do not need constant grooming. Shedding of the hair is also very less when compared to other long haired cats.
  • They can get along with every one in no time and tends to mingle properly with other pets and children.

Things to remember when buying a ragdoll kitten:

These affectionate ragdoll kittens are loved by many and love to own them. So, when selecting these kittens, you must follow some tips.

Check the breed: Many breeders are crossing the ragdolls with other species to yield different patterns and colors in the ragdoll kittens. If you choose one such species, you may not enjoy the complete benefits of ragdolls.

So, always make sure that the ragdoll you choose is not a cross breed of other species. A ragdoll cat is considered as a full breed ragdoll cat if its four generations are not crossed. So, ask the breeder for any such crossings.

Ragdoll Kitten age: You should never buy any ragdoll kitten if it is under the age of 12 weeks. The breeder may separate the ragdoll kitten from its mother at the age of 6 weeks. In the other 6 weeks, he knows about the kitten and makes it learn how to socialize with people. These 6 weeks will help the breeder understand about the immunity system of the kitten and helps him to take necessary measures.

Ragdoll kitten guarantee: Never buy a ragdoll kitten without a guarantee card if you are buying from a breeder. This helps you in choosing the breed that is disease free. Get the guarantee at least for 2 years, as some of the diseases and defects are shown after the ragdoll kitten is grown into cat.

Is your Ragdoll kitten socialized? This is a thumb rule in selecting any type of pet. Apply this on your ragdoll kitten selection also. If the ragdoll kitten runs away from you when you try to reach it, then this kitten is not preferred for you. The Ragdoll kittens must react to your gestures and should not avoid you. If the ragdoll kitten runs away from you, the kitten may grow up into a nervous and neurotic cat.


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