Use Your Creativity To Decorate Your Fish Tank!

A sad fish tank and sad fish: I visited my friend last week, and I noticed that he had a large fish tank and quite a few fish swimming in it, but not only was the tank plain and boring, it was also dirty and grimy.

The fish appeared to be swimming lethargically, and I really did feel for them.

A clean tank and happy fish are balm to the soul! I decided at that moment to invest in a fish tank, but decorate it very well indeed, so that it would not only be pleasing to my eye, but also prove to be balm to my soul.

I am sure you must be aware of the soothing effects fish can have on one’s mental state, and if your fish tank is well decorated, you can be happier, and so will the fish.

In case you are wondering, these creatures are stimulated with their backgrounds, especially if it is made to match with their natural environs. Fish are known to have lower stress levels and show better health if their tank is clean and well decorated.

How to start? If you happen to be a creative person, or even if you are not, and you want your fish tank to look lovely, and quite different from your neighbors’, here is how to go about bringing in that little extra touch to your fish tanks.

There are some things you must consider first.

  • How big is your fish tank?
  • How many fish do you have?
  • What are your favorite colors, colors that you think would look appealing in a fish tank?
  • What sort of lighting do you plan to use?
  • How much do you plan to invest for your fish tank?

Now, start planning.

Pebbles: Maybe you could buy a few colorful pebbles to put at the bottom of your fish tank. If you buy rainbow hued pebbles, your fish will be able to blend in with those colors, giving you a most pleasing tableau.

Cave for your fish: You could think of buying a cave like structure; not only will you enjoy watching your fish swim in and out of it, but the fish will enjoy it too.

Use soft subtle lighting and nothing too bright, as it will disturb and irritate the fish, prompting them to hide away.

Artificial plants: You can buy artificial plants and place them at strategic points in the fish tank. Remember, the wider and bushier they are, the more pleasing they will look, and you can place the larger ones at the back and the smaller to the front, giving your fish more space to swim freely.

Aquarium background You can think of buying an aquarium background from a pet shop, but please make sure you wash it off first.

Whatever you plan, try to make it all as natural as you can, hiding away wires and the edges of your decorations.

A little creativity: Remember, a little creativity will go a long way towards possessing a gorgeous fish tank, which will probably be your neighbor’s envy, but your pride.

cold water fish tanks


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