How to Take Care of a Pregnant Cat?

If you are the owner of a cat and especially when it is feline cat; the responsibilities add up when she gets pregnant. Taking good care of a pregnant cat is extremely important as birth delivery of cats are equally delicate as humans; if proper care is not taken you may even lose your lovable pet during the process. Here is a comprehensive guide on how to take care of a pregnant cat, starting from feeding her, to check ups and creating the “labor” room for her –

take care of a pregnant catVeterinary Checkups

Regular medical check ups is essential for your pregnant cat, let the veterinarian determine her overall health, and immunize her with any protection if needed. Make sure you follow all the measures suggested by the vet, so that no last minute complication arises.


Usually, vaccinations are not given to a pregnant cat as there are possibilities of the fetus getting hurt due to vaccines. Discuss this aspect with your vet and see how much essential it is if at all needed. This situation arises if you have brought a stray cat at home who is pregnant and you also have many other cats at home.

Food and Diet

If your cat is being fed by good quality canned food; you can continue that even during pregnancy. Try not to change the brand as the cat might not like the change in taste during this time. During the last 3-4 weeks delivery, slowly switch over to nutritious canned food .

Then you can introduce this same food to the kittens as well. You can supplement the milk intake by giving the special kitten milk available in pet stores. If the pregnant cat was stray, make sure to feed her with the premium quality food so that the kittens grow strong and healthy.

Extra Calcium Intake

Just like human pregnancy, in cats as well pregnancy causes calcium depletion and you will have to add extra calcium in her diet to prevent eclampsia. This occurs in the last stages of pregnancy and a calcium supplement can prevent this potential trouble.

Labor Preparations

First take a small box to make the labor bed, put a soft cotton blanket to make the place comfortable and make the entrance area wide enough so that she can enter it even in hurry. Show the cat her place to give birth and make her habituated to the place by placing her food bowl near the box for the last few weeks. You can also sit with her and pet her near the box to make her feel safe and secure over there.

Once the tummy gets larger, she might be on the verge of delivery. While she is in labor, do not let the area get disturbed by any loud noise or jerks. Do not force her, let the birth happen naturally; if you feel it is lasting too long and she is having trouble you can call the vet immediately.

Post Birth Care

Once the kittens are born, make sure the area stays warm and let the mother take care of her babies. Human assistance is not at all needed apart from making her kittens feel safe and offering the mother regular food. If you have more animals at home, keep them away from the box for around a month. Don’t touch the kittens, in case they are taken out of the box by the momma, you can try and change the cloth and bedding, but don’t force it!

Birth in animal kingdom is as natural phenomenon as it is humans; but we do get all the compassion and medical attention that most of the stray cats do not get while in labor; try to adopt stray cats that are pregnant to aid when they need security the most.


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