Different Kinds of Birds for Kids

You could be thinking about different kinds of birds for kids if your child is mature enough and he or she can take care of the pet. This is a great way to teach children about being responsible for someone other than themselves.



Having a canary is a great idea because it can be kept alone and it entertains the family with its song. You don’t have to let the canary out of the cage; in fact, it only needs food, water, and cage cleaning. Don’t forget that a canary can live for up to 15 years, so at some point you will have to take over caring for it.

Society Finches

Society Finches

Another one of the birds of different kinds for kids that you may be thinking about is the society finch. Although you have to keep the birds in pairs, they aren’t noisy and they aren’t messy either. It is best to get a larger cage for the birds so that they can fly around.



When looking for different kinds of birds for kids, you should know that this is a smaller parrot which is perfect for older children. The younger ones may hurt the bird. Usually the noise level of the parrot is low, but it could chatter a bit and children can teach the birds to talk.

Bourke’s Parakeet

Bourke’s Parakeet

Even though this is one of the different species of birds for kids, you ought to know that it might turn out to be quite challenging. The parrot is best known for its peach color. It is good to know that it is in the genes of the bird to get in trouble so you should keep an eye on him.



The parents looking for different kinds of birds for kids should not forget about this bird. The female birds are cuddly while the male birds are louder. They need larger cages and a lot of toys to entertain themselves. Make sure that you get a hand tamed bird.

Pacific Parrotlett

Pacific Parrotlett

You should get this one of the kids’ different bird species if your child is older. The birds are quite social and they need one-on-one time. It is best to get a larger cage for it with a lot of toys so that the birds can entertain themselves when nobody’s around.

Make sure that you pick the right one of the different kinds of birds for kids for your child.


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