Types of Freshwater Aquarium Fish

If you decide that you would like to have an aquarium, you may be interested in the different types of freshwater aquarium fish. There are a lot of types of fishes for you to choose from.

Fancy Guppies

Fancy Guppies

This kind of fish likes to live in a larger community and it is native to South and Central America. The males are more colorful than the females but they are smaller too. You can have this species along with other species as well, but they need to be peaceful.

Blue Neon Guppy

Blue Neon Guppy

Just like the previous one, this one also likes to live in larger communities and it is native to South and Central America. It is best to have a school of more than five fish. In order for the fish to thrive there is need for lots of plants in the tank.

Albino Tiger Oscar Cichlid

Albino Tiger Oscar Cichlid

These fish are quite aggressive and they are native to the Amazonian forests. The fish are extroverted and they like to interact with other fish. In the majority of the cases the fish grow to larger sizes.

Black Moor Goldfish

Black Moor Goldfish

Again, this fish prefers to live in a larger community and it has its body in the shape of an egg with slightly protruding eyes. It has a bluish-black color and it’s not supposed to be in a tank with other competitive fish.

Blue Crowntail Betta

Blue Crowntail Betta

This one of the different types of freshwater aquarium fish is native to Asia and it is a carnivore fish. The fish comes in a wide variety of colors and it can breathe on the surface of the water as well. The most specific thing about the fish is the crown shaped tail.

Blue Veiltail Betta

Blue Veiltail Betta

About this one of the types of freshwater aquarium fish you should know that this species is native to Cambodia and Thailand and it can be recognized by its veil-like tail.

Photo Credit: (http://www.petco.com)


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