Most Common Cat Illness Symptoms

Felines are masters in the art of hiding their ill status. Hence, as a guardian, the pet owner is often at a loss in discovering the cat illness symptoms.

A cat by its innate nature will try to hide any sign of illness or weakness in an attempt to keep predators at bay. But then, from a caregiver’s perspective, early identification of symptoms is the quickest way to recovery.

So here are a few common cat illness symptoms that will help diagnose an illness in your cat so that help reaches on time.

Cat Illness Symptoms

Change in Behavior and Reaction to Stimulus

Look for even the slightest changes in habits or behavior of your cat. See if your feline friend is uncomfortable to touch. Look for changes in physical features, any discharges from any part of the body, lumps and changes in feeding patterns and feces or urine. It is often found that a sick cat will hide in a quiet, dark place.


One of the most characteristic features of a sick cat is lethargy. Your normally active cat appears disinterested, dazed and slow in movement. It is found to be sleeping more than usual and has a depressed look.

Purring and Yowling

If your cat is normally the well behaved quiet one, then a yowl should get your attention quickly to its help. Very often cats make a purring noise when sick or in pain or when it is about to die. It could be hinting at distemper and sooner than you realize it could pass off while you are busy doing something else.

Reduced Appetite or Thirst

However busy you are, make sure to keep track of your cats feeding habits. Any change in its appetite or feeding patterns means something is wrong. It is a hint that you need to check your pet closely. Increased thirst and frequent urination is an indication of diabetes and many cats are prone to this disease.

Weight Loss

Losing those extra pounds may be a reason to celebrate for us humans, but not cats. As little as half a pound is significant to a cat’s well being. You need to contact your veterinarian immediately.

Change in Skin Color

If the color of your cat’s skin has changed to yellow it indicates jaundice. This in turn could mean the presence of fatty liver disease. Other symptoms associated with this condition are: vomiting, weight loss, diarrhea and dehydration. When you observe any or all of these then rush your cat to the nearest vet’s office. Delay could be fatal.


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