The Pet Insurance Issue and What Hides Behind It

The services offered to the pet owners have developed a lot in the last few years. For example in the case of animal insurance the possibilities have widened. There have been major changes in the cost, and so the popularity of the services has grown considerably.

While at some point it has been considered a luxury service, today it is a lot more affordable and so the animals have the possibility to receive better care. There have been some restrictions that have been prohibitive, but today there are fewer limitations.

In case of the majority of the pet owners, the animals are considered to be part of the family, and according to official data, Americans spent $45 billion on their furry friends in 2009. This sum also includes the money spent on pet insurance.

Since these services are more affordable, more and more animals have the possibility to have the surgery that they need, receive medications, and this way to live a healthy and happy life along their owners.

Pet InsuranceThere are different kinds of insurance policies regarding the kind of animal that you have, and there are also numerous packages to choose from. The average of the annual deductibles is of $100 at the moment.

There are comprehensive insurances that include annual checkups, routine care, vaccinations, preventive medications and also spray or neutering.

Some of the other plans include only illness and accident coverage. The majority of the carriers offer immediate coverage in case of accident claims, and 30 days coverage in case of illnesses.

In case you choose the right insurance policy, it might save you a lot of expenses, and it is also possible that it will save the life of your pet. In special cases, like life threatening illness or an emergency, the costs might be of thousands of dollars.

Some of the most expensive treatments in case of dogs include Intervertebral Disk Disease ($2,844), Lung Cancer ($2,032), and Foreign Body Ingestion ($1,629). In case of cats the interventions seem to be slightly less expensive: Foreign Body Ingestion ($1,629), Urinary Tract Infection ($1,391), and Skin Cancer ($780). In case the owner has pet insurance, the costs of these treatments will be reduced significantly.

The most appropriate person to ask advice for is your vet. He or she knows the most about the health of your pet and most probably he or she will be able to direct you to the right kind of insurance policy. Before actually agreeing to a pet insurance, you should make some researches regarding what each pet insurance policy has to offer, and only after you have all the information you need, should you sign the papers.

Don’t forget that the insurance agent is there to help you, and you should ask all the questions you have to know what you will be paying for.

There is no coverage plan that is suitable for every pet owner, and the majority of the insurance companies allow the clients to customize their coverage…obviously… for a fee.


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