Tips For Flying With Pets

In case you are going to travel with your pet, they are several things you should consider carefully, before taking the trip. At first, one of the most important things is to make sure your pet is healthy.

Recently most of the airlines have new requirement for those kinds of travel – health certificate of your pet. Take your pet to the vet and take the certificate afterwards. Don’t forget that the age of your pet is also important.

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For instance, the pets less than 8 weeks old are not allowed to travel. If your pet is over 8 weeks, it must be weaned.

The choice of the airlines is also important. Find the right airline that offers the best accommodation for your dog or cat. For instance, not all companies provide pet accommodation.

Others ban traveling with your pet, so research well and find those companies that are not only allowing pets on board, but they also provide certain care. Another important issue is the reservation.

Typically your pet doesn’t need any specific reservation for the flight, but each company has its own rules, so check about the pet policies and if it is necessary, make a reservation for your pet. Research well the companies and when you choose one, call the airline and make a reservation. Ask about the accommodations and what is most important – ask about the pet cabins. Usually the cabins are restricted to two animals in the first class cabins and three to six in the economy class cabin.

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If your pet is too little, you should purchase individual cabin, for it may get stressed by the other animal presence. Avoid flying on Thanksgiving or Christmas, because usually the airlines are booked. Another important thing to do is to purchase a pet carrier. It should be one that is proper for the airlines’ size requirements. Usually many airlines sell pet carriers on the airport, but don’t risk and buy it before the trip.

Make sure your pet fits the carrier and it is comfortable there, for this may cause stress to your pet. If it is needed, try to train your pet to stay in the carrier at least 2 days before the flights. The food is also important.

Your pet shouldn’t be hungry before the flight. In case your pet has some special needs, including some medicines, inform the airline services. They will make sure your pet is pampered and they will give the necessary medication.


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