Pet Sitting And What You Need To Know About It

Pet sitting is actually not as easy as many think. Nowadays there are professional services that are offering pet sitting on a professional level.

Most of the pet owners clearly choose these kinds of services for they are guaranteed their pet will be well served and pampered, when the owners are away.

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In case you are going to purchase a pet sitting service, you will need to make a list that will help the pet sitter, while you are missing.

First and most important is to inform the pet sitter about the animal’s daily schedule.

Surely your pet has a daily program and typically pets are driven by their habits, therefore tell your sitter about the habits of your dog or kitten. Explain well what makes your pet happy and satisfied.

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For instance, that can be some special rituals or games your dog likes to play. If a daily walk is something your dog can’t do without, simply explain to your sitter this must be done too.

Leave a list with the important phone numbers, just in case. The list should include the numbers of the vet, emergency contacts, as well as some instructions like feeding, walking, etc.


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