Penalty For Pet Abuse Protects People Too

The latest research from the University of Denver has proven an interesting connection between abusing animals and children. According to experts animal abusers are able to abuse also children.

The statistics show that 88 percent of the homes where children are physically and mentally abused, their pets were also victims of domestic violence.

The good news is the penalty against animal abusers is a measure that actually might prevent human violence. Even FBI added a criteria in their profile to mark animal abuse as eventually indicator of further home violence. The growing trends in U.S. are more strict penalties over pet’s abuses.

According to some reports many people are willing to help preventing the animal abuses. There are thousands of organizations that fight against the violence over animals.

Now after this research, the measures against violent owners will be even stricter. This will eventually help demolishing the tendency for child abuse and in general the human violence at home.


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