Reasons why Yoga is a Great Idea for your Dog

Isn’t it true that you love to take your adorable dog with you to every place you go? Be it the park, the pool, the beach or for a walk, your dog can be a great partner in all these activities. But there is one more thing that you can include your dog in and that is Yoga.

Yes, believe it or not but yoga is good for your dog as well. So the next time you head out to do yoga, don’t forget your dog and let it experience dog yoga or Doga. Doga is not just a crazy idea but there are many reasons why it is a rather smart idea for your dog. The following are the top reasons why yoga is a great activity for your dog:

yoga is a great idea for your dog

  • Dog yoga or Doga is a great way for your dog to stretch its muscles and remain fit and healthy. It is a great form of physical activity which can improve its bodily functions and can also result in high levels of flexibility as well.
  • Another reason why Doga is a rather good idea is because it can be good form of relaxation for your dog. Once your dog engages in some yoga, it can feel much more relaxed, calm and stress-free.
  • Another reason why Doga is a good idea is because it can be that one time of the day that you can spend with your dog. In our busy lives, we hardly get time for our pets but doing yoga together can be that one part of the day.
  • If you are hiring a yoga instructor for your dog, then your pet may really enjoy getting all that attention and may be encouraged to do it regularly. By engaging in Yoga regularly, your dog can ward off diseases, be free from aches and pain and also improve the immune function, thus preventing illnesses and physical difficulties.
  • Dog yoga also helps to resolve behavioral issues which is another reason to encourage your dog to do it on a regular basis.
  • Another reason why your dog must engage in yoga is because it can help lower down blood pressure and thus ease many other related problems.
  • Dog yoga aids digestion and thus relieves several gastrointestinal problems that the dog might be facing.
  • If you and your dog do yoga together, then it can help strengthen your bond by a great deal.


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