US Canine Search and Rescue out to Help Japan

Japan is amidst its worst crisis since 1945 and is turning to the world for assistance during this disaster. Japan has a very efficient disaster management team and yet the scale of this catastrophe has forced them to ask for help.

National Disaster Search Dog Foundation trains teams that include rescue dogs and their partners to be of value in times of disasters. The dogs are trained to search for life among the ruins and let their team partner know with the help of a “bark alert”, as soon as they sense life.

The rescue team dogs

Six well trained teams (72 members) have reached Japan and are making their way to Ofunato City to start on their noble mission of rescuing not just humans but their pets too.

Losing a pet can be a traumatic experience and leave people scarred emotionally. Japan is a country with a large number of pets with almost 35% of the population owning dogs, cats, birds or rabbits.

The rescue team dogs are rescues themselves thus knowing first hand the importance of their mission. Their sensitive noses and intensive training can be trusted to find living people or pets trapped under the rubble of such disasters.

The teams have traveled across the globe, making their contribution towards saving lives after such major disasters.

NDSDF trains squads across the United States and has called for disaster search teams from different parts of the country. As soon as the dogs are cleared for travel, the dogs and their partners along with their teams will be leaving for Japan to be able to do their bit and save a few more lives.

The dogs have been paired with fire fighters and several other responders to help save lives after this disaster. The six teams deployed to Japan are among the 72 rescue teams that have been trained by NDSDF.

Those who would like to keep themselves updated about the progress of these teams, may follow them on twitter or check out the Facebook page dedicated to them. The foundation’s web page will also be able to give relevant information.


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