6 Useful Packing Tips for Taking a Dog on a Vacation

Taking a trip with your pet dog can turn out to be an amazing experience not just for the dog but also for you. Dogs are amazing partners or fellow travelers and love travelling. But in order to enjoy the vacation you take with your dog, you must be well prepared with all the essential items or supplies that your pet may need. In order to help you out with your packing for your vacation with your dog, we have brought to you some useful packing tips.

packing tips for taking a dog on a vacation

1. Foods and Treats

Pack enough foods and treats for your dog to enjoy not just on the way but also when you reach your destination. Do not consider buying pet food from the market and always pack your own. For canned foods, do not forget to carry the can opener. Also take a lot of drinking water for your dog.

2. Proof of Vaccination

It is important to get your dog vaccinated before you head for a vacation but that is not enough. You will also need to carry a proof of vaccination with you in your bag. Also carry other health records of the pet as you may need them at certain places like playgrounds and dog parks.

3. Pet Toys

Your dog too needs his source of entertainment when out on a vacation and hence you must make sure that you carry some pet toys.

4. Pet Medication

first aid kit-besides keeping medication for yourself, you must also carry the medication of your pet along with a first aid kid. You can also pack in insect repellants for dogs and dog sunscreen to avoid your dog getting scorched up in the heat and get a heat stroke.

5. Leash

Do not forget to carry a leash, whether you use it or not. Many places may require you to put your dog on a leash and it is better to be prepared than to be helpless when you reach your destination.

6. Identification Tags and Photos

Another thing that you must not forget taking on a vacation with your dog is the identification tags and photos. Include your phone number, hotel address and dog’s name on it. Keep the current photos of the dog with you at all times so that in case he gets lost, you have some way to find him or report the case to the police.


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